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Aqua Kiosk is housed in a stainless steel body to withstand all weather conditions on various terrains. We manufacture Aqua Kiosk units that can be powered by solar panels in areas where electricity is not readily available.

Aqua Kiosk is designed to operate automatically using a computerized system combined with an intelligent monitoring system using a 4G wireless network.
Each Aqua Kiosk sends regular full status reports to our central monitoring control system. If any Aqua Kiosk unit reports an issue, we will dispatch our technicians to service the Aqua Kiosk unit.

As Aqua Kiosk uses a sophisticated system, Delvron Myanmar will own, operate, and maintain all Aqua Kiosk units through the company’s well trained staff.

Vendors can rent the Aqua Kiosk by signing a business contract with the Delvron Myanmar.

Consumers will use a smart card and water bottles provided by Delvron Myanmar Co. Ltd to purchase water. The customers can access their smart cards and top up the balance with their authorized local vendor.

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